Defunct in a sentence as an adjective

Add fields to the end and don't remove defunct fields.

For instance, if you have no real need to support a particular defunct architecture, why carry around its code?

The new acquirer buys the assets so as to avoid any existing/potential liabilities of the defunct corporation from whom it purchases the assets.

Couldn't I just do this all myself on 1999-style website and live a more natural life?Successful, albeit defunct, networks like MySpace work b/c above and beyond, they were passionate about connecting people with things they want.

I saw no problems with the paper: it applied an epidemiologically-inspired statistical technique to Facebook using a defunct precursor as exemplar.

But, if you're viewing it as an example, and you take a look at a few dozen other comparably valued tech companies of the same age during the same time period, I'm certain you'll find most of them are mere shadows of their former self or long-since defunct.

With respect, this is yet another library that should be a small piece of open source software rather than a hosted service which I'll probably eventually have to pay for and which is likely to eventually go defunct, requiring me to rewrite my code to use another library.

Defunct definitions


no longer in force or use; inactive; "a defunct law"; "a defunct organization"


having ceased to exist or live; "the will of a defunct aunt"; "a defunct Indian tribe"