Skimming in a sentence as a noun

When do they stop providing a service, and when do they start skimming off the top?

When threads require more skimming it pays to write more skimmable content.

"Both SpaceX and Tesla are largely built on skimming the superstars out of the entrenched players.

I'm skimming a lot more or actually skipping the comments altogether because I don't want to read them all to find the goodness.

I think that not having points has some nice qualities, but it also feels like I'm being denied information that I find useful in reading/skimming a thread.

I'm skimming the paper now but this looks a lot like "we played with some in-silico models and came up with a nifty thing"Edit: Christ, I don't even know where to begin.

We have no idea of their technical expertise, the viability of their software, their USD/Bitcoin reserves, how they plan to address disputes like this, or even whether they are skimming of the top.

That means that, according to pg posting as of last year, two more years after the article submitted here, comment karma scores were often NOT reliable signals of good comments, comments worth finding rapidly when skimming a thread.

HFT people will argue that they provide more liquidity in the market - it's easier to sell your stocks because HF traders increase the overall volume, etc. However, it's in effect launched an arms race between different trading firms and some people say that they're literally making money by skimming off everyone else who trades stocks.

"I'm just a smart guy with a fresh pair of eyes who spent a few weekends reading undergrad textbooks and skimming pubmed".Not: "we're a large company with deeply-interested professionals who've made this their life's work, our own multi-million dollar labs and decades of accumulated experience in the development, testing, validation and manufacture of temporary food substitutes".

Skimming definitions


the act of removing floating material from the surface of a liquid


reading or glancing through quickly

See also: skim


failure to declare income in order to avoid paying taxes on it


the act of brushing against while passing

See also: grazing shaving