Skimmer in a sentence as a noun

Including the cost of transportation to the nearest ATM. Which may or may not have a skimmer on it.

The branch manager showed me photos of the skimmer gear and the police report. It was made to look like part of the ATM housing.

It also doesn't come for free from an automated skimmer because it isn't on the mag stripe. And, way back in the day, it wouldn't have been on the carbon copies because it was in flat type.

Designing a skimmer-proof ATM is much like designing a squirrel-proof birdfeeder. It looks good on paper but you never know what these guys are going to do.

I'm sorry, but don't smart cards completely obviate the skimmer issue? Aren't they widely used in Canada and Europe?

Which includes many, many, many rat bastards, from the CEO of Goldman Sachs to the guy putting a skimmer on the ATM you often use.

If you suspect a skimmer, be aware that the person operating the skimmer might be close-by and not too pleased to see you take it apart.

It's never going to be used as a retro-fit - it looks too much like a skimmer. In fact, if they became commonplace, it would make fitting skimmers that look like this device so much easier than trying to hide a skimmer in a discrete housing.

Q=card+skimmer&safe=off&source... One thing to remember is that keyloggers have been around much longer than card skimmers, keylogger is a well known and well defined term.

It's not too strong to say that - they've been used for many years, there are decent financial incentives for organized crime to clone the cards, but the industry hasn't seen any "chip skimmer" yet.

So adding a skimmer + video camera OR adding a skimmer that records pin is marginally possible and not that hard. The real security would come with a second factor that the user controls, either by approving on your phone or by using one-time-numbers for each transaction.

A skimmer and a keylogger are two very distinct things. When I read the title I was interested to find out how the skimmers were placed, placing a keylogger takes much less skill and craft, it's a piece you can buy in bulk, whereas placing a skimmer usually requires a different class of criminal, skimmers often have to be fabricated for each location.

I think this design might work better if the pivoting part were moved internal to the ATM. It'd avoid vandalism, and maintain the benefit of the sliding behavior occurring along a path inaccessible to the skimmer. The obvious downside to such a design is that you'd need to replace all of your ATMs which is why, I'm assuming, this design included the pivot mechanism on the outside.

Skimmer definitions


a rapid superficial reader


a cooking utensil used to skim fat from the surface of liquids


a stiff hat made of straw with a flat crown

See also: boater leghorn Panama sailor


gull-like seabird that flies along the surface of the water with an elongated lower mandible immersed to skim out food