Sailor in a sentence as a noun

What if I can't curse and swear like a sailor?

You have 2 sailors - one weak, the other great.

Avid sailor here, and I like to race, typical race is ~6 hours, but longer races too, 24-48 hours.

How many of you remember that Old Spice used to be thought of as an old man sailor deodorant?

" Sometimes, but more often sailors have real grievances that higher ups are choosing to ignore.

This quote reminds me of the US Navy saying I used to hear from officers: "A bitching sailor is a happy sailor.

[1] PS: I love it when people bring up epistasis, for god's sake, as a sort of catch-all neo-Lamarckianism, reached for like a drowning sailor flailing for a life preserver.

They're the ones who will change languages or frameworks according to what's fashionable, rat-hole the team on fun but irrelevant projects, and not talk to you unless you dress like a hobo and swear like a sailor.

Being wary of using too much resources in my own programs I'm always a little surprised and disappointed when I see small utility programs like this use resources like a drunken sailor on shore leave.

Sailor definitions


any member of a ship's crew

See also: crewman


a serviceman in the navy

See also: bluejacket


a stiff hat made of straw with a flat crown

See also: boater leghorn Panama skimmer