Sketch in a sentence as a noun

Not a quick sketch he did of his cat.

After you're comfortable with this, sketch it in your head.

Tolstoy could sketch a character like nobody else.

A few of their artist friends come over with big sketch pads, pencils and whatever else artists use.

When someone suggests energy, fuel, fresh water are in danger of "running out", you should ask them to sketch what they think the supply curve is for those resources.

Sketch in a sentence as a verb

You can't see an architectural sketch in Java, you can only see endless classes in endlessly nested subdirectories.

The sketch artist could have intentionally drawn the women as slightly disproportionate from reality just to make this piece more polemic.

Once you saw one or two, you've seen them all... and every self-respecting logo designer now has a couple in a portfolio, so there is plenty of really good sketch logs to choose from.

Every couple of weeks I get a great idea for a cartoon and wish I could draw it, but I really don't want to sketch crummy cartoons every day so I'll be ready when I get a good idea.

And if we conducted driving tests like we conduct technical interviews, it would be something like:- Please sketch out a diagram of a typical family sedan, be sure to mark and explain all major components.- Do you drive stick?

Sketch definitions


preliminary drawing for later elaboration; "he made several studies before starting to paint"

See also: study


a brief literary description

See also: vignette


short descriptive summary (of events)

See also: survey resume


a humorous or satirical drawing published in a newspaper or magazine

See also: cartoon


make a sketch of; "sketch the building"


describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of; "sketch the outline of the book"; "outline his ideas"

See also: outline adumbrate