Cartoon in a sentence as a noun

Like batman in the cartoon I want to slap him but not for "sloppy market research".

I showed this to my wife to see if the cartoon worked with an educated but not-technical person.

I still like the Donald Duck cartoon used as precedent for that method of raising a ship, personally.

I am reminded of an old Dilbert cartoon where they bring in a usability expert to help them write an app.

Instead, what we see on the third slide is a cartoon drawing of a subject in which two contacts are labeled "active" and "reference".

Real Monsters, they were also responsible for my favourite "cartoon for grownups", Duckman.

[1] The answer to the "why" has many parts, but mostly involves the fact that Disney animation runs at 24fps while HB cartoons ran at 12fps or even 6fps.

Cartoon in a sentence as a verb

The creators of Angry Birds would probably be aware if their software were an NSA-grade surveillance system rather than a cartoon physics game.

I was actually inspired by the idea that whenever cartoon characters opened their closets you'd see it full of just their signature outfit.

Bonus points for cutesy cartoon characters representing them.

I remember watching some cartoon where some aliens are watching humans converse and they interrupt by saying "ritual gum flapping time is over".

Every couple of weeks I get a great idea for a cartoon and wish I could draw it, but I really don't want to sketch crummy cartoons every day so I'll be ready when I get a good idea.

If you show someone a clip from a Disney movie and a clip from a Hanna-Barbera cartoon, they will be able to tell that the animation quality is much crappier in the latter.

Cartoon definitions


a humorous or satirical drawing published in a newspaper or magazine

See also: sketch


a film made by photographing a series of cartoon drawings to give the illusion of movement when projected in rapid sequence

See also: toon


draw cartoons of