Signaling in a sentence as a noun

The old cable was designed for OOK signaling.

Subsequent writes will return false[2] and code should wait until the 'drain' event is emitted, signaling it's safe to write again[3].

The logo in question has been pulled from where it first appeared previously in Chrome for Android, signaling that the company quickly realized its mistake.

Plenty of things that human beings use for social signaling are, when removed from context, technically "meaningless", but within context they can hold plenty of meaning.

And when I was hired for a job I knew nothing about and had no prior experience with, it was from a pool of applicants who weren't signaling their status as strongly as I was.

I've had neighbors complain to me that they can't disagree or argue with anything at their office, because as soon as they do, their coworkers start shaking their heads and signaling "there goes the black guy again".

How are you supposed to interpret those seemingly conflicting results?Another fishy thing is that the top of the list for phrases signaling that the project will be funded is the phrase "project will be".

The phrase at the top of the list for phrases signaling that the project won't be funded is "pledged" but the 3rd, 4th and 5th ranked phrases signaling that the project will be funded are "has pledged", "pledged will", and "pledged and".

If I have a finite amount of time available for hacking, why do I want to spend a not-insignificant amount of it signaling?Hacker culture has been corrupted by this 'need' for influence.

In mice, fasting cycles then 'flipped a regenerative switch,' changing the signaling pathways for hematopoietic stem cells, which are responsible for the generation of blood and immune systems, the research showed.

Usually the trains would have to support some kind of computerized stop-assist in order to be precise enough to pull this off.- Said stop-assist wouldn't just be a train feature, it would involve communication with the track, and therefore upgrades to the entire signaling system.

Making 'reader' a first-class citizen in its suite of services, then using interaction data as more relevance signaling seems like an evolutionary step that only a handful of players the size of google can make good use of, but apparently in their infinite wisdom, they'll just shutter it.

Signaling definitions


any nonverbal action or gesture that encodes a message; "signals from the boat suddenly stopped"

See also: signal sign