Shipwreck in a sentence as a noun

My favorite one is, people adrift from shipwreck get pushed to shore by dolphins.

So in this Immensity my thinking drowns: And to shipwreck is sweet for me in this sea.

Discovered an 18th century shipwreck about a mile and a half off of the coast of Beaufort Inlet.

A medium sized business which isn't generating any revenue and/or profits isn't financeable and a shipwreck waiting to happen.

Shipwreck in a sentence as a verb

PDF output looks strangely different from dvi?Well, any such seemingly trivial detail will be good for countless hours of scuba-diving around the ancient shipwreck of a language that is LaTeX.

"any such seemingly trivial detail will be good for countless hours of scuba-diving around the ancient shipwreck of a language that is LaTeX"Or you could just ask how to do it on #latex on freenode.

Merely that label is deemed not necessary for monetary reasons:>There were two reasons for dropping the official doubt about the identity of the shipwreck ...>First, the museum recently opened "Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge," a greatly expanded exhibit>Also, removing the official caveat could help the museum secure private fundingI guess I wasn't expecting that after the defense of the scrutiny in the first part.

Shipwreck definitions


a wrecked ship (or a part of one)


an irretrievable loss; "that was the shipwreck of their romance"


an accident that destroys a ship at sea

See also: wreck


ruin utterly; "You have shipwrecked my career"


suffer failure, as in some enterprise


cause to experience shipwreck; "They were shipwrecked in one of the mysteries at sea"


destroy a ship; "The vessel was shipwrecked"