Shebang in a sentence as a noun

'Twas a huge event - airshow with stunts, the whole shebang.

The program needn't be a shell script invoking awk--you can use a "shebang" line to make the entire thing an awk file.

For script files, which are usually extensionless, we do "deep content inspection" and check the shebang of the file.

While I agree about the use of /usr/bin/env, you should be aware that some systems will perform only one word split on the shebang line.

Being a tcsh afficianado, I decided to write it in tcsh with the shebang line #!/usr/local/bin/tcsh\n\nAnyways: we send them the CD.

The software is ok, but an institution that pushes standards and worries about my privacy, the whole shebang, is really worth it to me.

Even though this is the first I've heard of it, it seems to be something I could really use. I'm currently generating static web albums with gPhoto, then uploading them by hand, but had been thinking about automating the whole shebang for a while.

When you change a binstub's shebang to `#!/usr/bin/env ruby-local-exec` rbenv automatically searches up the binstub's directory tree to find the right Ruby version.

I haven't gotten up to a truly large Go code base, the whole shebang right now is only about ~25,000 lines, but the full save-test cycle is still comparable to what I get with a short Python script.

From one account, I understand that they can sign on to a site from their own computer and view the whole shebang -- I don't have this specifically confirmed, but the thorough access has been repeatedly confirmed.

We're starting to see resistance to movement in those directions, why should our economic actions be subject to the same level of scrutiny?I'm not ready to throw out the whole shebang, but I've started to think there should be some firm limits.

The work that has been done will be flushed down the drain?Seems like it would be relevant to release the whole shebang as open source with potential commercial license incentives so that anyone truly interested in the community can work on it, and another studio can even pick it up where it was left off while benefiting the original devs as well.

Shebang definitions


an entire system; used in the phrase `the whole shebang'