Shakiness in a sentence as a noun

The shakiness has always confused me a little.

My shakiness was only confirmed by this article.

A shakiness adjustment is a great idea, like high-contrast mode in the OS UI. Adroid Chrome does this, it zooms in when you click on a link near another link, and makes you reclick on theink you want.

What more do you want?Are we to ascertain the shakiness level of the user to determine the proper amount of white space?

Beam divergence and shakiness make them less useful past 1000 feet, which is generally acknowledged.

Accessibility > Zoom I find pretty unintuitive, and I think her shakiness would make that a problem.

Nice thing about Galaxy S2 software though is that you can specify ISO, focusing type as well as use a timer to deal with "shakiness" of the shot.

Ethereum, and "smart contracts" in general, are built on such shaky foundations that unless shakiness is what you're looking for, you have nothing of interest to find there.

For one thing, in some of the screenshots you can see a shakiness in the lines... I've found any of the electronic writing surfaces I've used too sensitive, and without enough tactile feedback.

I decided if I could find an equivalent or better job I'd leave, otherwise I'd take my chances - I had many months warning about the company and economy shakiness.

The game has several deliberate, well-designed vertigo and fatigue-based visual effects including blurriness, shakiness, whiteouts, blackouts, etc.

Shakiness definitions


a shaky motion; "the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe"

See also: shaking trembling quiver quivering vibration palpitation


the quality of being unstable and insecure; "the shakiness of the present regime"