Quivering in a sentence as a noun

Strap her in a chair and lick her ***** until she is a quivering jelly.

Severe, quivering pain is the result of this feedback loop, as you struggle to stay calm and limit movement.

Anki yourself in secret until you're a super-saiyan, and then unleash your strength on the quivering masses.

It's not like SR learning is going to let you "unleash your strength on the quivering masses".You also have to propose an alternative to it.

If I was lucky, I'd make it before collapsing into a quivering heap, reciting Dr. Suess books endlessly...

It's no wonder that they considered liver, plucked fresh and warm from the body of a still-quivering ****, to be a delicacy.

If you don't like the work he's doing, fire him; a "a voice quivering, temple throbbing, blue vein screaming episode" is never appropriate.

Although we are all quivering in anticipation of all these 8 thousand word essays, the fact remains that bitcoin is being used and works well.

Jack's quivering tower of abstractions writhes in repulsion.

Lots of potential variables that might have turned an otherwise stellar coder into a quivering mess.

The woman held in one hand a small cigarette-package-sized radio, its antenna quivering.

#boycottchina went viral in India, and multinationals must be quivering that the largest/fastest growing consumers are boycotting goods made in China.

It's a problem because it dehumanizes the receiver as just another set of body organs to manipulate into spending money, and it seems to turn the receiver into an inattentive, quivering set of reflexes.

Calling the reactions of the rest of the world 'quivering and faltering' seems to absolve them of any responsibility for themselves, as if it's impossible for anyone to be an ally of the US government, or at least not an enemy, unless there's blackmail or coercion involved.

Quivering definitions


a shaky motion; "the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe"

See also: shaking shakiness trembling quiver vibration palpitation


the act of vibrating

See also: vibration quiver