Serpentine in a sentence as an adjective

The serpentine bank transfer system that skims transaction fees on a huge number of transactions can be avoided.

"replacing the car's serpentine belt and tensioner, or sorting out the electrical fault that'd stopped the taillights working"[I don't have a car.

Not sure if it matters - 71, lining up the blocks descending sequentially starting in the top left hand corner, and then creating s serpentine pattern.

In fact, now that I think about it a serpentine belt comes in contact with rollers on both faces anyway and would not have to be mbius to wear more evenly.

I can verify from walking hundreds of miles through those serpentine back roads that wandering Istanbul is a beautiful experience.

Evocative writing for a technical post "serpentine" if/else, "rickety door" - I know nothing about iOS and enjoyed reading it.

Most cars have the serpentine belt on the engine also connected to the alternator, so the alternator is always spinning, regardless of how much electrical juice you are using.

I had my old Caravan chew threw a serpentine belt once...Getting that boat of a minivan around the next corner in traffic was both entertaining, dangerous, and probably the best upper-body workout I got that year.

Nothing's necessarily wrong with them; but if you want to dynamically change the action of say a button from your server, then URL routing gives you a single string-based mechanism vs. writing some serpentine Intent creation logic in that method.

My wife, back when I had one, never seemed interested in an egalitarian split for chores like, say, replacing the car's serpentine belt and tensioner, or sorting out the electrical fault that'd stopped the taillights working -- or, for that matter, taking out the garbage.

Serpentine definitions


resembling a serpent in form; "a serpentine wall"; "snaky ridges in the sand"

See also: snaky snakelike