Sequential in a sentence as an adjective

Heck, sometimes its going near the 1000mbyte/s sequential.

And at some future point, we might deduce from circumstantial evidence what year it was and the sequential ordering will still make sense.

Remember it's a sequential numbering system, so that's the number of tickets since the beginning of time, not currently open tickets.

"weve come to expect precise and sequential product naming from Apple - the iPhone, followed by the iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4, and 4S."I think Apple is correcting a mistake that they made.

I also admit that I havent got many bright ideas about what I wish hardware designers would provide instead of multicores, now that theyve begun to hit a wall with respect to sequential computation.

I now consider myself a proficient user of vim, but that would never have happened without the thousands of sequential js pressed before I discovered text objects out of a hunch that "dang it, this is slow and silly.

Sequential definitions


in regular succession without gaps; "serial concerts"

See also: consecutive sequent serial successive