Sensuality in a sentence as a noun

Well more than the physical act of sex, the films are lacking any sort of sensuality.

You can satisfy your need for sensuality by going into social dancing events near you.

" The sensuality of a certain kind of step, a certain kind of movement is transmitted in the beat and the music.

Did the interest of her photographers in the sensuality of her body ever extend into real life?

The range of sensations available through the consumption food is second only to sex in its breadth and power and sensuality.

Salsa can be pretty high energy too, I think, although if you're treating it as a series of acrobatics, it loses a little something - there's got to be some sensuality there too.

"Philosophers, he posited, would be better off if they stopped trying to prove things like scientists, an impulse he believed led thinkers to overlook how philosophy might stimulate the ‘mind’s excitement and sensuality’.

If not, then that's your answer:> “Opening the kimono” implies a coyness and sensuality that conjures up images of submissive Asian women reluctantly willing to show you their most vulnerable side.

The first truth teaches the basic lack and limitation in our lives — the clinging that constitutes suffering — while the second truth points to the types of desires that lead to clinging: desires for sensuality, becoming, and annihilation.

"Death induces the sensual person to say: Let us eat and drink, because tomorrow we shall die – but this is sensuality’s cowardly lust for life, that contemptible order of things where one lives in order to eat and drink instead of eating and drinking in order to live.

This article munges swinging, kink, and nuveau-hippie sensuality events into one big pile and claims that rich techies are "marginalizing" women, because they can't claim the women are being abused, because they "happen" to be completely in control of themselves and their choices.

Looks more predatory to me Some people, men or women alike, often end up with dumb looks in photos :: that's what happens when wanting to simulate sensuality when you're not in the mood, not to mention some people are just not photogenic and really need the help of an expert for such photos.

That's some convoluted answer, to which I'd like to reply just with one of Patanjali's Sutra:Disease, inertia, doubt, lack of enthusiasm, laziness, sensuality, mind-wandering, missing the point, instability- these distractions of the mind are the obstaclesThose are the obstacles to Yoga.

There has been—despite the cruelty of exploitation and forced sex—a consistent vision for women of a sexuality based on a harmony that is both sensual and possible… These visions of a humane sensuality based in equality are in the aspirations of women; and even the nightmare of sexual inferiority does not seem to **** them.

If you read this in context, it's clear that she's saying "this is the view of patriarchal society", not "this is how things should be".Later in the same chapter you're quoting from, Dworkin says:> Women have also wanted intercourse to work in this sense: women have wanted intercourse to be, for women, an experience of equality and passion, sensuality and intimacy.

Lasciviously colored, scandalously scented blossom after blossom flaunted its genitalia openly, enticing with visual and heretofore unknown olfactory charms any who might be inclined to sample its pleasures.> “With their appalling genius for adaptability, insects responded enthusiastically to the outbreak of sensuality.

Sensuality definitions


desire for sensual pleasures

See also: sensualness sensualism