Olfactory in a sentence as an adjective

My nose olfactory senses are still quite acute at 42yo.

No one should be compelled to eat a meal that wipes out their olfactory bulb and tastebuds.

The olfactory assault emanating from some of those stores is quite unpleasant and will give me migraines.

I bet perceived sugar and olfactory responses are measurable by EEG...

So if we ignore tactile and olfactory feedback, we basically just need 10 years of compressed audio as the training set.

Sure your taste buds/olfactory receptors tell your brain what you are experiencing but your eyes, touch, mental state, etc play a significant role as well.

Does that mean C is a "smell-based programming language"?If C was represented in an olfactory manner my code would be deemed a bio-hazard.

Will IE10 stay still and in a couple of years time we'll be bemoaning the fact that we can't use CSS temporal olfactory backgrounds because IE users aren't upgrading?

For example, if someone had his olfactory nerve surgically removed, it obviously would not mean he was likely to die within five years.

I met these men. I got close enough to shake their \n hands, engage in casual conversation and note that they \n in no way conveyed a sense of being “unclean” in either \n the visual or olfactory sense.\n\nApparently they don't, but that's not right after a workout.

They also have very rudimentary olfactory system, which is easy to confuse by filling the area with a smell "override".

It also creates a tactile, acoustic, and olfactory environment.

Photons are vastly more numerous than olfactory molecules, and carry incredibly small amounts of energy.

The predictive power of the diagnosis, according to the article, depends on the loss of the smell being caused by the body's failure to regenerate the tip of the olfactory nerve through new stem cells.

For a stretch I helped research Alzheimer's effects the olfactory system -- one result of the cascade of Alzheimer's described in the article is that olfactory sensory neurons start mistargeting their downstream glomeruli [1] [2].

Olfactory definitions


of or relating to olfaction

See also: olfactive