Senile in a sentence as an adjective

Dammit, going senile, this was the one where only the title was better.

G+ is like the evil vizier whispering in the senile monarch's ear.

What was so blatantly obvious that even the senile, crooked decision makers at the EU couldn't miss it?

Slightly less popular is the correction that in fact it was all just senile old people and floor mats, nothing to do with the computers.

It is like an inalienable right, available even to the foolish, the young, and the senile.

Basically, it's a waste of time and resources targeting people who aren't either senile, naive, highly religious, or just plain morons.

After all many pedestrians are senile or otherwise of diminished capacity.

There maybe nothing technically wrong you do while riding, but if you are sharing the road with cars it takes one tired, drunk, texting or senile or otherwise inattentive driver to squash both you and your daughter.

The only thing I can perceive is the amputation of the power wielded by our senile and demented states by simply rendering them irrelevant through citizen-led governance.

That reminds me of one of those famous Roman Emperors that all is well and good as well as they make rational decisions, then eventually they turn senile or mad, and everyone realizes how dictatorship is not that much fun sometimes.

The fact that there are still people who can live past age 100 without getting severe signs of any kind of senile dementia suggests that we have something to discover about individual differences to find out what protects some people from Alzheimer disease decade after decade after decade.

"his father wouldn't have bothered to fill out the paperwork required by Medicare"Having gone thru something kind of similar yet different with my own older relatives, the hospital has a blindingly obvious financial motivation to "help" elderly / senile patients with the paperwork, and therefore there are people on staff walking the halls doing precisely that.

Senile definitions


mentally or physically infirm with age; "his mother was doddering and frail"

See also: doddering doddery gaga