Inalienable in a sentence as an adjective

Yes, one might even go as far to say that it's an inalienable right.

It's not some inalienable right to download stuff for free.

I may be the odd man out here, but I have to say that I think ******* is a inalienable right.

How someone can think that health is less of an inalienable right than access to roads or free markets is beyond me.

As part of my faith, I believe that human beings have an inalienable right to freedom of speech without fear of persecution.

I wonder how we will all sleep at night knowing your inalienable right for the world to be just as you wish it to be has been violated.

It'll be better for the world.--[1] You know how the Declaration of Independence says we're all endowed with "inalienable" rights?

Under law the Quest for Ultimate Truth is quite clearly the inalienable prerogative of your working thinkers.

We recognize that people have certain inherent, inalienable right.

That's inalienable as in the opposite of the "alienable" rights I discussed above.

People are possessed by the strange idea that you, mister content provider, own that content and have an inalienable right to control it any way you can get away with.

It is our duty - our inalienable right - to support and rally for those who care more about the triumph of democracy and liberty than their own safety.

Seriously?Because we don't call them inalienable corporate rights, we call them inalienable human rights.

"RMS and his adherents believe in inalienable human right to tinker, and consider limitations to that right, such as closed source technology, to morally offensive.

Just like you cannot completely voluntarily sell yourself into slavery under US law, there are certain inalienable rights that cannot be given up under european law, and control over your personal data is one of them.

All I'm saying is that it's important to keep in mind why copyrights exist: it is not because the Founders thought it was a fundamental, inalienable right, it is because IP is a pragmatic solution to a practical problem: how do you encourage people to put forth the effort required to invent things and create art?

Inalienable definitions


incapable of being repudiated or transferred to another; "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights"

See also: unalienable


not subject to forfeiture; "an unforfeitable right"

See also: unforfeitable