Self-satisfied in a sentence as an adjective

With a Tesla, they can be self-satisfied and ego-satisfied at the same time.

The smug, self-satisfied attitude of residents who are convinced that they live the greatest city in the world.

These antagonistic responses from self-satisfied baby boomers and Gen X'ers really grind my gears.

Why not ask them?If your engineers as self-satisfied about finding her as it sounds, then they'll be happy to describe their process over a beer or two. I've never known an engineer who doesn't like discussing how they solved some riddle.

Do you mean they're self-satisfied enough to write themselves a framework, but too myopic to see that writing it is a massively misguided waste of time?

What a bunch of arrogant, ignorant, self-satisfied, know-nothing blowhards.

Outright excluding someone based on any single question is just horribly self-satisfied behavior.

I dunno, I find shanley's tone rather refreshing compared to the smarmy, passive-aggressive, self-satisfied tone of antirez's article...

Some startups welcome turnover with the self-satisfied and cultish belief that those who leave "weren't good enough" but that just shows a lack of introspection to a degree that's irresponsible.

Their polished exterior hides a rotten core - as anyone who's ever worked with xcode or any of their APIs can cofirm - and their smug, self-satisfied, elitist marketing has always been the biggest indicator of this.

Well then, as a fan of the sport who apparently already knows everything a mainstream magazine has to offer and then some - can you offer some insight, a link or anything at all for the rest of us beyond self-satisfied bitching?

If you carefully rearrange all sentences so that they don't end with a preposition, you may impress the grammar school teachers and the self-satisfied pedants of the world, but you will only look silly to the professors of Linguistics over at Language Log[1].So it's not entirely good enough to say "Just follow the arbitrary rules in order to demonstrate that you are a thoughtful, well-educated, intelligent person.

Quote Examples using Self-satisfied

It really is all just security theater... keeping the peanut gallery scared, entertained... and at the same time self-satisfied about their unearned 'exceptionalism'...BTW, has it occurred to anyone that someone intending a terrorist act could just blow up a carry-on before ever getting to the ridiculous scanner...It'll shut down the airport for sure... and do it at a couple of airports simultaneously and you'll shut down the whole network for a day or two...Stop letting government treat us like childish idiots... yes... things could happen... reasonable precautions should be taken.


Self-satisfied definitions


marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction; "a smug glow of self-congratulation"

See also: smug


contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions; "he had become complacent after years of success"; "his self-satisfied dignity"

See also: complacent self-complacent