Sedimentation in a sentence as a noun

It seems like there is some kind of sedimentation force going on when people can up-/downvote.

It's visually a little busy, but the UI is fast with less sedimentation[1] than most.

Carbon is too light to exist in the bedrock by pure geological reasons, some sedimentation is needed.

I've forwarded your link to a scientist i know who works on sedimentation in riverbeds who'll find it a very nice reference.

People actually use adhoc models of sedimentation and the formation of sedimentary rock for practical purposes.

"The unpermitted development has thus impacted the existing redwood forest habitat and has likely caused sedimentation of Post Creek.

Increasing sedimentation in the creek reduces steelhead reproductive success, and is considered a take without a permit under the Endangered Species Act.

From the findings: "The unpermitted development has thus impacted the existing redwood forest habitat and has likely caused sedimentation of Post Creek.

Water runoff and sludge from landfills is treated, however only final very time consuming steps of biological sedimentation and treatment can remove most of them.

I personally think of version control history as like a sedimentation layering of documentation that "updates" itself in the process of doing the work -- like the desk that looks messy, but by picking up and using papers, the most important stuff is on top. "Real" documentation can be clearer, but it must be maintained manually, and cleared out regularly.

You will really only find large quantities of oil in a narrow range of circumstances, depending on specific levels of tectonic activity, duration and abundance of life, sedimentation patterns due to rainfall and ocean distributions, and low to moderate levels of atmospheric oxidizer.

Sedimentation definitions


the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating

See also: deposit alluviation