Secrete in a sentence as a verb

Maybe you can split the bounty into 14 parts and use chain{1,15}_iv0 as secrete keys.

It was mainly to make China's purchases secrete.

Yes, that's apparently what causes them to secrete ambergris.

There are somethings the government has to do in secrete, there are things they have to lie to us about in order to keep us safe.

I'm in a secrete motorbike group which organises rides and provides warnings for other riders about police blitz or speed cameras.

As an example of how tumors compete with your other cells, they usually secrete growth factors to create new blood vessels feeding them at the expense of surrounding tissue.

As the pH decreases, carbonate becomes less available, which makes it more difficult for organisms to secrete CaCO3 to form their skeletal material.

"in the mainstream view of the academic psychologists, the brain is another pancreas, except that its function is to secrete thoughts as opposed to insulin"Total ****.

When digesting unbroken food morsels, the stomach and the whole digestive system has to secrete more, takes more time to process our food, all this cumulatively increasing tiredness and fatigue on the body over the long run. I therefore recommend chewing so that you drink your food.

After coming into contact with fire ant venom, the crazy ants with the sealed acidopores—which could not secrete any chemical defenses—had a survival rate of just 48 percent, whereas 98 percent of the control group survived.

That said whether or not there is consensus that Human activity is responsible for global warming it does not matter, there is certainly consensus that Human's are the only ones who have a chance at addressing global warming, unless unknown to us the Cows are currently convening in secrete meetings to discuss how they might better regulate their own emissions of Methane and Ammonia because their contribution to global warming is weighing so heavy on their conscience.

Secrete definitions


generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids; "secrete digestive juices"; "release a hormone into the blood stream"

See also: release


place out of sight; keep secret; "The money was secreted from his children"