Bergamot in a sentence as a noun

It's not astringent or bitter and has a clean full taste, with a hint of bergamot.

Not sure why they conclude that "bergamot essence may induce muscle cramps" etc based on a single case.

The guide explicitly says to use Earl Grey, which is a bergamot oil infused Assam.

Earl Grey has a strong perfumed aroma from the bergamot orange; I might add lemon to it, but not milk.

I’ve noticed that many of the fancy tea companies make an earl grey that is way too bergamot-y.

Weleda and Burt's Bees both make good sprays, or you can make your own. I really like pine, cypress, bergamot, lime, lavender, sage and eucalyptus.

I suppose that if my parents had given us rose or bergamot lokum it would have been a very different story.

In 1837 there is a record of court proceedings against Brocksop & Co. who were found to have supplied tea 'artificially scented, and, drugged with bergamot in this country.

Sorry, I'm half joking, half referring to this, from Wikipedia:"Tea flavoured with bergamot to imitate the more expensive types of Chinese tea has been known in England at least since the 1820s.

We still don’t fully understand many of the pathogens that have been around for all of our collective lifetimes, so you shouldn’t expect us to be able to fully characterize one that just showed up a few months ago. What we do know from places which have been hit very hard, like bergamot is that if you are less than 60 your chance of dying from the virus is about the same as that of your risk for dying in a year, which if you are young and don’t have co morbidities is a very small number.

Bergamot definitions


small tree with pear-shaped fruit whose oil is used in perfumery; Italy