Scarecrow in a sentence as a noun

This is just a scarecrow that tilts back snd forth and plays sound effects.

There's no point in performing CPR on a scarecrow.

Damn, I thought that was just the hypothetical scarecrow of NN defenders =/

The ship was a gigantic dummy, the largest scarecrow ever conceived by the human mind.

I would love to embed something like that in a scarecrow with a crazy mask sitting on my front porch in a rocking chair.

I couldn't finish the article after reading about a scarecrow made of foil she made at four and taking apart a bicycle.

You can keep a lot of pests away with a plastic owl attached to your roof acting as a scarecrow or with always on "dumb" ultrasonic devices.

I just can't stand the whole "scarecrow Libertarian vs. scarecrow Red Taper" debacle that happens every time the word "union" crops up.

But let me trot out my own scarecrow:Every time you add a program your repertoire you're replacing productive time with administrative time.

Again, another scarecrow the author sets up to dehumanize the opposition.

The question is how you go about it - by rational measurement, analysis, and action for the greatest good for the greatest number, or by cheap fearmongering, scarecrow-raising, and appeals to nebulous sentimentality and doubtful external enemies?

Scarecrow definitions


an effigy in the shape of a man to frighten birds away from seeds

See also: strawman bird-scarer scarer