Satiric in a sentence as an adjective

This has to be some sort of satiric joke ...

Judging from the overall satiric tone, it is dry on purpose.

I rather like his cocky and satiric style... Reminds me to take things he says with a grain of salt.

I liked Hector from Telltale Games; it had that kind of rowdy, satiric tone that Sierra was famous for.

Some other just host blogs or something with funny satiric poetry.

It is a satiric paper, and hits on everyone, including Muslims.

Dominic Wilcox created something similar to this in 2011, I think as a satiric art project.

But we can still appreciate Daumier's satiric political prints because we bring a new narrative to it.

Here's why:I do agree with you that the movie had satiric elements, and I agree that it pointed out the specific issues that you say it pointed out.

I read through the whole page thinking it was a satiric play on the whole life monitor fad, especially since Fitbit just released a new bracelet model.

Subject of abuse was another file in repo that contains satiric poetry about Roskomnadzor that I copied from somewhere in the early 2013 to my blog.

Or is it that there are completely different branches and interpretations in Islam that just happen to share the same name?By the way, I have read the stories of Nasreddin Hoca, and they really don't sound like satire to me, more like children-level not-religious-at-all fun. Did I miss some specifically satiric ones?

Brandt was to all intents and purposes a dedicated antifascist, and had intended this nomination more as a satiric criticism of the current political debate in Sweden.

That makes it strangely prescient: first, when the automobile was already a mass-media transportation system, the authors of this satiric piece failed to acknowledge the problems that it had already created in the society they were living in.

Parody - "an imitative work created to mock, comment on or trivialize[citation needed] an original work, its subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of satiric or ironic imitation"sounds like parody

Satiric definitions


exposing human folly to ridicule; "a persistent campaign of mockery by the satirical fortnightly magazine"

See also: satirical