Sacrosanct in a sentence as an adjective

I mean, this is already violating our most sacrosanct freedoms.

" it has been considered sacrosanct that deposit holders be protected, no matter the cost.

Because my general feel of the community is that testing is some sacrosanct practice that must be adhered to without question.

She made a point of telling everybody at the library that the circulation records were sacrosanct.

Breaking into someone's home has a certain personal-threat aspect to it, and I'd consider homes to have a bit of a sacrosanct element that I wouldn't extend to state offices.

"If this is really a non-starter for advertisers, then mandating it will effectively ban advertising, non?Remember: your business model is not sacrosanct!

There is a very important question here: What is the relationship between you and the bank?Up until recently, it has been considered sacrosanct that deposit holders be protected, no matter the cost.

The proprietor of the restaurant is literally minding his own business since a business is just a vehicle for achieving the ends of its owners [1].In this case, the owners want to create a world in which dining is a more sacrosanct activity.

>The novelty of this particular famine, what made it so diabolical, is that it was the deliberate creation of a bureaucratic mindAs opposed to the Indian and Irish famines where strong state intervention would have saved the majority of the people but the sacrosanct ideas of free market capitalism did not allow that.

Sacrosanct definitions


must be kept sacred

See also: inviolable inviolate