Ruthfulness in a sentence as a noun

But, to me at least, they can't say the screen is bigger and be on the "OK" side of even technical truthfulness.

I am one of the readers who had deep concern for the truthfulness of these observations. If they are true, then he got screwed, royally, and should sue.

In truthfulness, I tend to shy away from foreign clients for this very reason. I have no recourse if things go seriously south.

> They may not be true, but the truthfulness of the allegations is outside the scope of an extradition. That is true, and it is not surprising that UK courts ordered the extradition.

While it's supposed to be mostly funny it just happens that the movie hits the chord on so many levels that it's nearly creeping in its truthfulness.

It's effectiveness is in the plain, straightforward truthfulness and a dash of self-deprecating humor. Refreshing, but also a great PR move."

They may not be true, but the truthfulness of the allegations is outside the scope of an extradition. Most people accused of what Assange does do not have the luxury of fleeing to a foreign embassy.

Customs checks the truthfulness of the manifest by opening a small percentage of containers at random. Most containers just go through their voyage unopened.

On one side, I thought we were discussing using a chemical to enforce truthfulness instead of a device. On the other side, I'd never thought of using an intoxicant to invalidate lie detecting devices.

That is, you've linked to a discussion of something on Wikipedia and you believe that the discussion of it proves its truthfulness; nothing could be further from the truth. See also: discussion of moon landing conspiracies.

> given how few people actually look anywhere else but the play store I do not believe the truthfulness of this statement, considering how many services get popular outside any app store. Do you think people find out about Twitter or DropBox by browsing the app store?

Yes, you could answer with all sincerity and truthfulness that you cannot go after their tormentors for the good of all future people. But it still sucks, and if you're not careful, you can find yourself not just in a shitty situation, but also causing all sorts of unintended problems where you're trying to fix things.

The truthfulness of the article is a whole other matter entirely, but as someone who studied journalism, I have to give him a big "**** you" for this imperialistic notion.

His article has problems and certainly could have done with a bit more accuracy especially given that Musk/Tesla were known to be proactive about reviewers' truthfulness, but I am not comfortable characterizing any of it as a "lie". I'd love to hear any concrete example of him lying though.

People yelling 'hypocrisy' and using it as evidence against his truthfulness are looking to rationalize their gut response, nothing more. Hypocrisy may be a weighty accusation against grandstanding moralists in the public square, but it has absolutely no relevance here.

Ruthfulness definitions


a state of gloomy sorrow

See also: mournfulness sorrowfulness