Biodegradable in a sentence as an adjective

May I suggest replacing it with a green biodegradable cardboard box.

I want it to be as biodegradable and non-poisonous as possible.

You can use one can for general, biodegradable and plastic by using different colored bags.

Why cant use a biodegradable material instead of silicon?

Paper is a renewable resource and is mostly biodegradable.

I really think that eventually new models of AR tech may come out on a monthly or weekly basis, and by then we had better have biodegradable disposables.

All disposable utensils outside of chopsticks were made out of biodegradable corn and they were the best disposable utensils I have ever used.

Cardboard is easily recycled, and, if not recycled, biodegradable.

Its materials and processes are biodegradable, so it's an auto-recycling technology.

Having read Larry Niven's Ringworld, I'm brought to think of an eerie possibility this might create; that is - what if this currently non-biodegradable material becomes biodegradable?

But the article kindly submitted here immediately caught my eye with examples of medical device applications of biodegradable electronic circuits.

At the risk of sounding cheesy, I would work on something that helps soothe or at least mitigate the destructive effects humanity has on the planet, ecosystems etc. This could be anything from renewable energy, self-sustaining houses, solar powered cars, arcologies, biodegradable or fully recyclable materials and so on.

>And finally, realise that this isn't science fiction from Orson Scott Card, the writer of Ender's GameNice little bit of product placement there, considering there's not really anything in Ender's Game about advanced medical technology - and in fact, the most significant item we see is the monitor, which is so non-biodegradable that Ender has to go back to the doctor for a surgery with apparently non-negligible risk to have it removed.

Biodegradable definitions


capable of being decomposed by e.g. bacteria; "a biodegradable detergent"