Ruefully in a sentence as an adverb

“I was one of those who said thank god for the atomic bomb,” Paul told me ruefully.

When back home, he ruefully discovered that the total price he shelled out was higher!

* I ruefully found out how credit cards actually worked after the land rushes started.

I sat in on a class of his a while back and remember him ruefully laughing about having to use PHP now.

> He noticed ruefully that a few days earlier the woman – her name was Adria Richards – had herself tweeted a stupid penis joke.

He looks back ruefully, recalling overcrowded classrooms and a lack of materials: "I wonder if this education was of any value?

Finance is an industry of moving fast, breaking things, being mired in years of litigation, paying 10-digit fines, and ruefully promising to move slower and break fewer things in the future.

You sound ruefully sarcastic but I have to say that the prospect of a week of political and logistical wrangling to get the most powerful tech company in the world to stomp mightily onto the forehead of a rogue SSL CA would absolutely get me out of bed bright and eager.

Its probably not too great to be breathing in all day either, at least for some of the population:The study, published in the journal Indoor and Built Environment, ruefully concludes: "Though real-time airborne chalk dust generation was found to be low in this study … and did not contain toxic materials, chalk dust could be harmful to allergic persons and may cause lacrimation and breathing troubles in the long run and certainly is a constant nuisance in classrooms as it may soil clothes, body parts, audiovisual **** and study materials.

Ruefully definitions


in a rueful manner; "`I made a big mistake,' he said ruefully"

See also: contritely remorsefully