Atomic in a sentence as an adjective

It takes a lot of effort to make an atomic bomb seem humane, and somehow World War II manages to do it.

People that are against atomic plants or against chemical fertilizers, or against ... you name it.

You're worried about three meltdowns, but not the 2,000 nuclear weapons that have been detonated since the start of the atomic age? Compared to bomb tests, the fallout from nuclear power is a rounding error.

GCC's biggest VC problem was needing single repository version numbers for tags, and atomic commits, which SVN solved. SVN was a huge step forward compared to CVS.

Html Never had the atomic energy kit, probably because I was already too stupid from the lead fumes out of the crucible.

Perhaps they did, and this was the origin of the rumors; perhaps it was simply hearsay and speculation at a time of atomic fever.

You reduce our collective existence to atomic miseries, as if you've escaped most of them by your own virtue rather than through a series of accidents. You place blame where it isn't due and heap glory where it doesn't belong.

Government regulation isn't an atomic entity that either exists or doesn't, or there's "more" or "less". There's good regulation and bad regulation, and sometimes the best regulation is none at all but that's not always the case.

All in all, this is a very interesting topic right now, with the added benefit that it brings together the often separate communities of nuclear and atomic physics. Nice tidbit: Our result and the first muonic result was presented at the same conference...

Yes, it's well known that big companies with big continuously integrated codebases don't manage the entire codebase with Git. It's slow, and splitting repositories means you can't have company-wide atomic commits. It's convenient to have a bunch of separate projects that share no state or code, but also wasteful.

With programming, there is no atomic unit of work that is consistent between projects, thus highly accurate estimation is next to impossible. What seems similar from a conceptual standpoint is often completely different depending upon the input factors: lanuage used, experience of the team, specific project requirements.

To do such a simple thing of delivering a tiny bit of information to a process the implementation and semantics of signals is so bad that you have to use atomic variables, deal with interrupted system calls, write reentrant functions, and so forth.

It is indicative of the great difficulty of both starting and sustaining a fusion reaction that the only fusion reactions which produced more energy than they consumed, that have ever taken place on Earth were powered by atomic bombs, and still only ran for fractions of a second.

Atomic definitions


of or relating to or comprising atoms; "atomic structure"; "atomic hydrogen"


(weapons) deriving destructive energy from the release of atomic energy; "nuclear war"; "nuclear weapons"; "atomic bombs"

See also: nuclear


immeasurably small