Rotting in a sentence as a noun

My gf is in that rotting pool now.

It's like a bad marriage rotting from the inside.

Myths of hells and grave-monsters and rotting corpses cease to haunt us so deeply.

There's a lack of vision, direction, and execution from the top; the fish is rotting from the head.

They use the space, as opposed to letting it sit, rotting and empty in the heart of a city on the cusp of a genuine housing crisis.

Sure he can afford to purchase it, but as soon as he needs to replace the $4,000 clutch, he's going to go broke or have a broken, rotting vehicle stuck in his driveway.

First be grateful that you hierarchy of needs are met. Presumably you have health insurance thus if you have say, a rotting tooth in the back of your face like I could probably get it checked out before it infects the rest of your system.

God only knows how many innocent people are rotting in jail because they didn't want to risk life in prison over something relatively minor.

> rotting in a bank vaultI thought this turn of phrase was rather amusing, considering that gold is often favored because it doesn't deteriorate at all.

Rotting definitions


(biology) the process of decay caused by bacterial or fungal action

See also: decomposition putrefaction