Decomposition in a sentence as a noun

My garbage doesn't smell that bad, but everyone's garbage and months of decomposition will make it smell.

But that's often not trivial, and the decomposition step often requires a lot of hard work.

For the curious, I believe this works by doing a Fourier decomposition of both images.

In my programming situations it would be wrong to conflate different decomposition of the same unicode string.

Sent him this link, and this was his response:Yeah, I liked Ada because it was very readable, and decomposition into smaller units was easy.

Check your digital media after two decades... Hard drives/floppies from 1992 are mostly gone, CD/DVDs won't last that long because of decomposition of dye.

If you are writing C++ or even Java that uses, rather than creates, an object hierarchy, then just write in procedural style with functional decomposition.

Because other software you interact with uses encodings and the UTF-8 encoding of two different decompositions if different.

Concurrency is more than decomposition, and more subtle than "different pieces running simultaneously.

It turns out that this property holds when our Hessenberg variety is constructed from an element whose semisimple part under the Jordan decomposition is regular.

Bugs perform tons of ecosystem services like pollination, food, decomposition, eating pests, fertilization, etc.

It still amazes me how many distributed systems are built on protocol designs that are provably unstable and inefficient.- Space decomposition data structures.

All new chemical or biological molecules, whether made by synthesis or decomposition, are made from natural materials.

In our pattern matching decomposition, we pull off the first value of the list and store it in `x`, and we take the rest of the list and store it in `xs`.Now in our function body, we recompose a list with different values.

Basically, radiation is effecting the ability of natural decomposition processes in the exclusion zone.

Hash tables are often inadvertently implemented as space decomposition structures but there is a much richer and more expressive universe of data structures that exist.- Game theoretic schedule awareness.

But decomposition produces not only CO2, but CO, CH4, nitrate chemistry... I have trouble understanding why this cycle isn't at least a little bit leaky, since it seems like some of the trace gasses wouldn't automatically have all of the biological, solar, and marine sinks available in nature.

Decomposition definitions


the analysis of a vector field


in a decomposed state

See also: disintegration


(chemistry) separation of a substance into two or more substances that may differ from each other and from the original substance


(biology) the process of decay caused by bacterial or fungal action

See also: rotting putrefaction


the organic phenomenon of rotting

See also: decay