Rotifer in a sentence as a noun

I just love rotifers, they're such fun to watch.

It started when I went to the Boston Science Museum about 30 years ago and saw some rotifers tooling about in a dish.

So take with you some rotifers, some Chlorella also and... well, maybe a big bag of dehydrated eggs of desert pupfishes.

We normally think of sex determination as something that happens at conception, but with rotifers it is much before that.

Key quotes>Before this, the rotifer – another microscopic water creature – was believed to have the most foreign genes of any animal, with 8 or 9 percent.

But can one say they are organisms?Probably a few rotifers and tardigrades are the oldest organisms since they can lie dormant for many years and then be reanimated with water.

From the article:> Despite having been asexual for millions of years, they have diversified into more than 450 species and are fairly similar to other sexually reproducing rotifer species.

Can we get some love here for bdelloid rotifers, while we're on topic?They are positively known to slurp up any DNA floating about when they reconstitute, and are found in a wider range of habitats than tardigrades, if that's possible.

The humble rotifers that were the hidden key to open the gates of the multibillionary industry of modern sea farms... who would suspect such huge monetary value from an animal that is like a spinning cartoon?There is a new world to discover in invertebrate ecology.

Rotifer definitions


minute aquatic multicellular organisms having a ciliated wheel-like organ for feeding and locomotion; constituents of freshwater plankton