Ropeway in a sentence as a noun

I also like ropeways, climbing high, swings etc. It's not a major investment on your part.

I also like ropeways, climbing high, swings etc. Instead adults get boring repetive-movement fitness equipment.

It also mentions the several aerial ropeway urban transport systems that are in successful operation around the world, such as Medellin, Colombia; Caracas, Venezuela [3]; Constantine, Algeria [4]; and Villa Nova de Gaia, Portugal [5]. To the commenters here saying "why can't they just make huge suspended buses", apart from the obvious engineering loads that entails, the problem is mostly that this means the gondolas have to stop at each "station" so that a decent amount of people can embark/disembark.

Ropeway definitions


a conveyance that transports passengers or freight in carriers suspended from cables and supported by a series of towers

See also: tramway tram