Tinnitus in a sentence as a noun

But tinnitus is a disease of old age.

Are there tanks engineered for those with tinnitus?

I don't think this phenomena is related - if you have tinnitus you know you have it.

I just turned 21 years old, and at my age I already have pretty significant tinnitus.

My mother is a pretty deep thinker and she requires constant TV chatter simply because she has tinnitus and can't stand the sound of it. But I think she's an exception.

I typically use it for blocking out background sounds when I'm tired of listening to music, but it might work well for tinnitus too.

It is generally not recommended to sleep in earplugs, as you're risking inducing a tinnitus.

I have a minor case of tinnitus which is typically inaudible, but in that space it was like an alarm clock screaming into one ear.

Sensory deprivation + tinnitus only means screamingly loud ringing for me - nightmarish.

I also experience most of the related symptoms:* tinnitus - less nowadays, but I remember having some problems at night as a child* depersonalization-derealization - it's occasionally happened for as long as I remember* fatigue - I thought it was caused by my depression* speech difficulties - yeah, I thought it's related to the brain fog I get when I'm nervous* anxiety* depressionNow, my visual symptoms seem fairly mild, I wouldn't say I've been affected much.

Tinnitus definitions


a ringing or booming sensation in one or both ears; a symptom of an ear infection or Meniere's disease