Rite in a sentence as a noun

I think it's a Vim rite of passage to write these posts.

It's a rite of passage to get your *** handed to you by other devs.

There is a rite, for example, among my hunters.

India needs to go through its rite of passage and I guess one of those alleys is full of ****.

They will think "bi-rite sucks, what the heck, those jerks aren't honoring their commitment.

I think writing your own variation of this at one point is a sort of rite of passage for web developers.

Reaching a level of maturity where you get that excited about the real world is a rite of passage.

It's the sort of place where privileged rich people treat objectively terrible, horrible as some sort of rite of passage.

I see a humanities degree as nothing less than a rite of passage to intellectual adulthood.

Screwing up your personal taxes in a consulting business is a debacle but also a rite of passage for consultants.

Whenever I talk at my old university, I always tell people that dropping out is by no means a rite of passage or prerequisite to success.

Just reading this one now makes me want to write my own, even though I know everyone has seen them a million times and has little interest in my Vim special flower.

Write editorials complaining about how pie-in-the-sky features from #1 don't arrive.

Again, money is insignificant compared to your life earnings.- Interning in the Valley is a rite of passage, but after you've done one internship there, consider other places.

It has had its rite of passage, from the early days of Indian removal, slavery, the mexican war, expansion, the civil war and many other wars plus thing like Women's suffrage.

I got to the issue a few years late, saw the WillNotFix tickets, and wrote up - I kid you not - an on-dead-tree journal article which said:[W]rite access to sensitive data should be limited to the maximum extent practical.

Rite definitions


an established ceremony prescribed by a religion; "the rite of baptism"


any customary observance or practice

See also: ritual