Rhetorician in a sentence as a noun

So instead people argue a lot and the best rhetorician usually wins.

Eben is a very skilled rhetorician. Anyone trying to sell anything would do well to take notes.

A competent rhetorician is only "hard to hate" when you don't look at what they do. Keeping one's eye on the ball is not that difficult when you have a set of principles.

You don’t really have to be a brilliant speaker or rhetorician in order to make your own students feel awkward...

Anyway, Franklin wasn't God. He was a brilliant person and a clever rhetorician who new how to manipulate with words.

A rhetorician would call these different "methods" of attack but you're right that in fact they're merely different degrees of the same method.

However, a rhetorician as skilled as President Obama knows that the point is not to find the answers but to be seen asking the question.

This is about the world's greatest rhetorician, the person who can best convince others of a statement, regardless of the veracity of those statements.

Suppose you are the world's best rhetorician, and can create convincing arguments to support any conclusion. To exercise this skill, each day you pick a topic, roll a die to determine what position to support, and argue for that position.

Gathering the data of trials and judgement can prove when something isn't working and prove how things are actually working in the field better than even the best rhetorician. The question of 'should we be doing something' is separate from data.

Aristotle said that the rhetorician is a rhetorician not because he absolutely can convince someone of something, but because he is aware of all the means of persuasion. likewise, there's no guarantee that a doctor can heal /you/.

But everyone coming out of college needs to learn to be a critical thinker, an anti rhetorician. There are standard techniques, philosophies, ways of thinking, psychologies that could be bundled together in a Freshman course.

Paulg is a good rhetorician: he doesn't actually defend either himself or others in this post. What he does defend is an orthodoxy that presently enriches and empowers him, and that ensures brutal consequences for those less powerful than him.

Chomsky is as much a rhetorician and an entertainer as anyone on the right, though his intelligence and love of underdogs make him a lot more likable than someone like Rush Limbaugh.

It's similar in essence to forbidding slavery — some rhetorician might suggest that it abridges people's freedom to own each other, but the actual intent is to preserve a greater amount of freedom.

Rule of lawyers" is what happens when it isn't and then you need a rhetorician to have an ex post facto political debate about "the spirit of the law" in a courtroom rather than in the statehouse where it belongs to begin with.

In the same spirit, therefore, should each type of statement be received; for it is the mark of an educated man to look for precision in each class of things just so far as the nature of the subject admits; it is evidently equally foolish to accept probable reasoning from a mathematician and to demand from a rhetorician scientific proofs."

Mathematician, astronomer, chemist, geodesist, surveyor, cartographer, metrologist, spectroscopist, engineer, inventor; psychologist, philologist, lexicographer, historian of science, mathematical economist, lifelong student of medicine; book reviewer, dramatist, actor, short story writer; phenomenologist, semiotician, logician, rhetorician and metaphysician. He was, for a few examples, the first modern experimental psychologist in the Americas, the first metrologist to use a wave-length of light as a unit of measure, the inventor of the quincuncial projection of the sphere, the first known conceiver of the design and theory of an electric switching-circuit computer, and the founder of "the economy of research."

[He was] mathematician, astronomer, chemist, geodesist, surveyor, cartographer, metrologist, spectroscopist, engineer, inventor; psychologist, philologist, lexicographer, historian of science, mathematical economist, lifelong student of medicine; book reviewer, dramatist, actor, short story writer; phenomenologist, semiotician, logician, rhetorician and metaphysician. He was, for a few examples, the first modern experimental psychologist in the Americas, the first metrologist to use a wave-length of light as a unit of measure, the inventor of the quincuncial projection of the sphere, the first known conceiver of the design and theory of an electric switching-circuit computer, and the founder of "the economy of research."

Quote Examples using Rhetorician

Further, don't be so quick to demonize the rhetorician. Unfortunately the Rhetoric today is all but extinct, to the point that the word is used derogatorily, much like the word Hacker. You want to make a difference today? Learn rhetoric. Take two weeks and research the term. Find the people who spoke directly to this issue. Your search will take you to the limits of the history of ideas. I agree, xel02, that a rhetorician must not be solely a rhetorician.


Rhetorician definitions


a person who delivers a speech or oration

See also: orator speechmaker speechifier