Revolutionize in a sentence as a verb

Google map was the one of the first web applications that revolutionized the web with Ajax.

I get that you are trying to revolutionize programming, but try not to keep telling me that and instead show me.

This new Google map could be another one that revolutionize the industry again with WebGL.

Hype it up because it looks interesting and has some neat tech, but don't make the claim that it will revolutionize transport just because it can stand up on its own.

Instead of humming along with 10 or so employees raking in cash hand-over fist, they tried to grow as fast and as large as possible to try to revolutionize news.

It will be interesting to see how Apple will react to this given that they are the ones claiming to revolutionize consumer technology every couple of years.

What would I know?revolutionize our countrys antiquated system using technology.

But I am personally convinced that an efficient scheme would likely revolutionize privacy in computing.

Graphics support has been the biggest thorn in Linux's side for years, and dividing the ecosystem at a time when Valve is poised to finally revolutionize things is pretty despicable.

They had a vague idea of what they should do, which was more or less "revolutionize global e-commerce by facilitating cross-border trade", I guess fueled by the realization that gee, stuff is cheaper in some countries than others.

Revolutionize definitions


change radically; "E-mail revolutionized communication in academe"

See also: revolutionise overturn


overthrow by a revolution, of governments


fill with revolutionary ideas

See also: revolutionise inspire