Revolutionise in a sentence as a verb

They didn't design their own controllerSo why do you think they need to revolutionise the controller?

It would be nice to think that at YOW we witnessed part of the birth of an idea, that will revolutionise the way think about data storage.

To be able to develop these in a more agile, less pay IBM a billion dollars type way, will revolutionise IT in Government.

This is why it baffles me, day in and day out without fail everyone speculates Apple are going to revolutionise TV with Apple TV.

People already trade wine but are not using an online service to do it yetIf this is your first startup, don't try and revolutionise an industry.

Well, no- it was supposed to revolutionise personal transportation.

That is our goal here at Alphalend: to supercharge consumer lending and revolutionise the industry’s standard practice .

Some one-person marketing agency who wants a Wordpress installation, and you have to sign an NDA because they're going to 'revolutionise the industry'.

I am hopeful that Khan Academy or a similar online learning provider will revolutionise education, and this article is the first step along the way to discovering how to use it.

For example, take the following two quotes:"We wanted to revolutionise the fine wine industry, a market with many layers of middle men, and one that has traditionally eschewed technology, failing to patch it's many inefficiencies.

Revolutionise definitions


fill with revolutionary ideas

See also: revolutionize inspire


change radically; "E-mail revolutionized communication in academe"

See also: revolutionize overturn