Resurgent in a sentence as an adjective

And Xbox is facing a resurgent Sony in the next round of console wars.

The downtown is resurgent, and is certainly not a dump.

There are two schools of thought in regards to China -- that of a resurgent dragon, the other of a "benign China.

Not much traffic on OCaml here lately, compared to the "new stuff" and what appears to be a resurgent interest in Erlang.

European history is full of petty dictators claiming heir to a new and resurgent Roman throne.

" And to the larger point, I think recent resurgent interest in data stores and distributed systems have shown pretty clearly that there is no holy grail.

Just my two cents as I haven't seen it mentioned in this thread:launchd is the init system used by Mac OSX and has been ported to FreeBSD a few years ago with a recent resurgent effort for improvements [1].

There is a resurgent philosophical contagion that intends to whittle away all government functions until it is purely a police force to protect private property.

Given how many ObjC developers there are out there, and given how nice it would be to target for multi-platform apps, it feels like the sort of thing that should have gotten good pretty quickly in a world of resurgent Apple.

Take for example the former US embassador to Haiti who warned against "resurgent populist and anti-market economy political forces—reversing gains of the last two years.

It's simply warning that while we're watching the S&P 500 soar to record heights on the back of booming productivity and resurgent globalisation we shouldn't ignore the fireworks that are playing out over a handful of unmanned islands in the East China Sea.

Could the Webthe entire flow of American informationcome to be ruled by a corporate leviathan in possession of "the master switch"?Analyzing the strategic maneuvers of todays great information powersApple, Google, and an eerily resurgent AT&TWu uncovers a time-honored pattern in which invention begets industry and industry begets empire.

Criminalization of downloading from open directories with no warnings on them.\n * New diseases, rising seas, freakish weather.\n * A resurgent, militaristic Russia invading various countries.\n * A resurgent, militaristic USA invading various countries.\n\nAdmittedly the cyberware is a bit slow in coming, AI is still the same 10 years off as always, self-driving cars are barely at the testing stage, sub-orbital planes are a pipe dream, and nobod thinks the Net looks like brightly colored blocks, but it's still unsettlingly close.

Resurgent definitions


rising again as to new life and vigor; "resurgent nationalism"

See also: renascent