Restroom in a sentence as a noun

"—"Do you need the key to the restroom?

In Europe, when you have to pay those old ladies to use the restroom to pee ... that's their income.

The docu said the average US truck driver visits the restroom only once in 3-4 days.

When someone calls you in an office and you don't answer, they think "oh, maybe they were taking a break or in the restroom".

Certainly, a HN thread won't end up filled with a side discussion about office restroom design.

You wouldn't dare allow your children to use the restroom unescorted for fear of what they might encounter.

Judging from personal experience, they'll probably get a lot more work done, but make more frequent trips to the restroom.

Charging to use the restroom urgently gets close to violating the rules of civil society in my books.

What about some sort of restroom or medical computing device where you'd rather not touch the surface that someone else just touched?

I have seen far too many people leave the restroom without washing their hands, and when not sharing food, I prefer utensils because it's easier to stay clean.

In the 'real' world the architect is the person who notices you've got a banquet room for 100 people but the nearest restroom is two floors down, or a single hallway connecting both the people and the kitchen to the room.

I would believe i was trapped inside something like the matrix, where everything i did on the inside had intense consequences for people outside my reality; failing to wash my hands after using the restroom would cause millions to die far away.

Would you prefer to work in a heated/cooled work environment with restrooms nearby, a break room, a place to wash your hands, specialized tools and equipment nearby, support staff to get your parts, queue up the next job, a counter guy to deal with the customer OR----- would you like to work in the rain, deal with angry customers, no restroom, not enough tools or equipment with you, doing jobs that become much harder because of location, etc etc all for 30% less money?

Restroom definitions


a toilet that is available to the public

See also: convenience