Restlessness in a sentence as a noun

It clears the mind and removes the restlessness I used to feel from sitting for so long.

When you see the same kind of restlessness in routine jobs, for one wants to do something of their own, that you experienced.

The kids are fidgety and restless while sitting, but when you sit them on one of these the subconscious motor control going on seems to quell the foreground restlessness.

I'm saying that people who are really hateful online have issues that are deeper than simply having pent-up aggression/restlessness that can be channelled through some physical activity or sport.

Also, I tried an ayurvedic diet and could say it did somewhat help me but I do know people who had panic attacks, restlessness, anxiety, etc and they started following it and slowly, the attacks went away.

"Well sir, You don't have diabetes, but you do have pre-diabetes, and we need you to start taking these $20 tablets immediately" or "ms smith, your child's restlessness is a sign of OCD, we can't cure it, but we can treat it with these $300 amphetamine pills"

The criminal breaks the monotony and humdrum security of bourgeois life, he thereby insures it against stagnation, and he arouses that excitement and restlessness without which even the spur of competition would be blunted.

What is unreasonable about noticing an improvement can be made in your surroundings, and endeavouring to make it?There is a grain of truth I suppose, vis-a-vis humanity's general restlessness, fixing what ain't broke, etc, but I think that this generalisation that anyone who isn't perfectly happy and satisfied with the exact present state of things is "unreasonable" is not true at all.

Restlessness definitions


the quality of being ceaselessly moving or active; "the restlessness of the wind"


a lack of patience; irritation with anything that causes delay

See also: impatience


a feeling of agitation expressed in continual motion; "he's got the fidgets"; "waiting gave him a feeling of restlessness"

See also: fidget fidgetiness


inability to rest or relax or be still

See also: uneasiness queasiness