Resourcefulness in a sentence as a noun

Being homeless and finding a way to release an app is a good example of resourcefulness.

In contrast, a problem demands much thought and resourcefulness before the right approach is found.

I suppose you have to admire the resourcefulness - there's no story, so "there's no story" becomes the story.

Great example of resourcefulness and creating a path to success where no path existed before!

I used to be really bad at this kind of resourcefulness, and I would have a hard time "chasing down" those various implications.

While it's tempting to treat "resourcefulness" as a trait intrinsic to founders, in my experience it can be a sharp function of the founder/startup fit.

I don't get how you arrived at the conclusion that genetics does not influence loyalty, resourcefulness, or diligence.

Of course a founder who has a background in schmoozing is going to do a better job of schmoozing, but that says absolutely nothing about resourcefulness.

Which brings up a relevant point: It is very easy for an organization to undermine the resourcefulness of its employees.

However, someone with the guts, resourcefulness and sheer chutzpah to start their own cable company is not going to let a few negative comments on the Internet get in their way.

The puzzle of evading materialism is that it seems to infest everything.>because you have such relentless resourcefulness, determination, and physical and mental healthAnd what if you don't?

Resourcefulness definitions


the quality of being able to cope with a difficult situation; "a man of great resourcefulness"


the ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems; "a man of resource"

See also: resource imagination