Residue in a sentence as a noun

Household waste and garden residue account for less than 3% of all waste produced in the US.

With toilet paper, you can just wipe with new toilet paper until there is no more residue.

But real murders get harder to investigate as there will be no gunpowder residue.

One of my more flighty cow-orkers sent round this link yesterday - calling maintenance programmers "the residue".

If less accurate, we don't need them to be used to get probable cause for "bomb" searches that "just happen" to turn up things like too much cash or a bit of pot. Even worse, we don't need their results as "evidence" that drug or bomb "residue" was found.

If people want something that won't discolor the plastic or leave residue, use the sticky portion of a yellow sticky note to cover the camera.

Get the wrong officer, and they will interpret the **** on your floor as "residue" and call in a drug dog; police drug dogs are scams --- the police can get them to bark any time they want.

They need to be repainted periodically as especially the red markers leave a residue behind that gradually builds up.

There is very little residue in our society of the old-fashioned principled belief that it is wrong to have vast centralized power with very few checks upon it.

As the machines doors opened and closed, jets of air puffing at the passengers ahead of me, I wondered about the shorts which I still had on. I looked down at the empty pockets and they were literally sparkling with gunpowder and other residue from the fireworks the night before.

According to the report, the forensic pathologist found \n gunshot residue in the wound, but not the sort of stippling that a \n close-range shot can sometimes produce.

A test I learned in jail from petty computer trespassing charges when I was a kid is to light a small amount of powder on fire sitting on foil, if the residue is cherry red it's mainly mdma and not piperazines.

Recipe A is:* Check shelf for residue, clean if exists* For each existing egg, if egg is off, throw out* If egg carton contains yolk from broken egg, obtain new carton, transfer each egg* While egg count less than 12, purchase and add eggsHowever, if we just throw out the entire old fridge and buy a new one, we get the recipe:* Purchase a dozen eggs.

Residue definitions


matter that remains after something has been removed


something left after other parts have been taken away; "there was no remainder"; "he threw away the rest"; "he took what he wanted and I got the balance"

See also: remainder balance residual residuum rest