Reshape in a sentence as a verb

You can move the entities, and you can reshape the walls as much as you like.

Need to rip off the doors, reshape the body and put in a different engine?

This is a confusing headline, to me— I'd phrase it 'Supreme Court to decide on Aereo, a startup that could reshape the TV industry'

As code matures the value of tests becomes higher and higher but early on when you need to shape and reshape they really **** momentum.

It's a paradigm shift that will reshape society and erase tens of thousands of jobs in a relatively short timeframe.

- paste: put file lines side-by-side - rs: reshape arrays - jot: generate random or sequence data - expand: replace tabs / spaces

That's exactly what he's trying to do. This isn't an apology or an admission of any wrongdoing, it's an obvious attempt to reshape perception of their original actions by pretending their motives were different than they really were.

> It is unclear whether the spread-sheeting-loving, consensus-oriented, even-keeled Cook can successfully reshape the cult-like culture that Jobs built.

FDR turned giving money away into something that was literally awesome, using the Tennessee Valley Authority to reshape the landscape with bridges and dams.

Its plot involves a ****** in a small town in Columbia, and is told in a journalistic style, where you, the reader, learn new facts that reshape the perception of the "whole story" as the story itself unfolds through the narration.

It was my job to reshape the stolen data beyond recognition" - did you not consider that such a person might be somewhat untrustworthy?Follow-up, it bothers me that you took a job knowing that you were disguising stolen data, what was your rationale for this?

For example, the binomial cube, as good as it is, is still a fairly complex concept; a computer representation of it could extend it by allowing a student to reshape pieces in a 3D space, or provide values for the x, y and z variables and see how the cube transforms.

Reshape definitions


shape anew or differently; "The new foreign minister reshaped the foreign policy of his country"


shape again or shape differently

See also: remold