Remold in a sentence as a verb

Kind in that weird "plastic melts so you can just melt it down and remold it, right?

Each time your reheat and remold the polymer it breaks down and eventually becomes unusable.

I wish I could explain this better to my business managers who read PopSci like this, and try to remold the business to follow them.

The effort now should be on encouraging the left to remold itself strictly when it comes to protecting civil liberties again, rather than turning a blind eye when it's convenient.

Simply remold society so that communication patterns across the entire nation change and become controlled by private corporations.

Then again, if you have good support for macros and other such "niceties" then you can remold the language to be domain specific anyway, so I think having a single super language isn't so far fetched and is actually not a bad idea really.

If you remold a square piece of pastry dough into a circle you haven't "circled the square", you have destroyed the square entirely!I don't quite get the army metaphor, but I don't think the relationship of "citizen" and "soldier" is analogous to that of "rectangle" and "square" or even "rectangle" and "rectangle with different dimensions".

Remold definitions


cast again; "The bell cracked and had to be recast"

See also: recast remould


shape again or shape differently

See also: reshape


give new treads to (a tire)

See also: retread remould