Requite in a sentence as a verb

Taking a quick picture doesnt requite the light to be on for long, so it could go by unnoticed.

Most people requite far more incentive to sign up for a $5 a month service than they do to buy something for $5.

Also, the site appears to requite a minimum current salary of $10K.

It does requite a login but the registration doesn't require email address and takes like 10 seconds

Things that should be private and requite separate yesting are atill required to be more visible than they are supposed to.

It seems like with just a couple of adjustments those cleaners could be automated and not requite a two people operating them.

You're provided a service for no monetary cost but, in return, you must requite some of your focus to an advertisement.

It actually requite good technical knowledge, good visual sense, good psychology background, understanding of business objectives...

That's because of pioneering advances in EMT training, broad availability of AEDs, high percentage of people trained, etc."Statistic is true, but to say it is because of those things would requite some further analysis.

Here in Thailand, many small businesses don't requite any form of legal entity and opening a small shop for example would be as easy as renting some space, putting in inventory and open your doors.... doens't get much easier then that.

Requite definitions


make repayment for or return something

See also: repay