Rendering in a sentence as a noun

At that time, it was almost a given that the OSS rendering engine was Gecko.

The iPhone is capable of rendering and interacting with the full page.

This doesn't just apply to rendering engines, or even just technology.

The blurry images are underlying base layers that drew first and then probably the upper layer timed out when rendering the tile.

Certainly, the publishers are pissed at Amazon, but that's because Amazon is rendering them obsolete.

First, computer rendering techniques are extremely well understood and well researched.

They're not doing any other html rendering, and they're not minifying the html either, so why do they insist on removing a common form of semantic content information in the source document?

Which is probably really hard depending on how much state based conditional rendering there is in your templates, maybe the server side caches the last response and associated state to work around this.

It only uses rAF to batch rendering, so multiple repaints are throttled to a minimum of 16ms ===The on-screen issue is interesting; I need to think about it more to see if we can actually leverage it in production apps.

Without fully understanding exactly what they are doing, however, it sounds highly abusive of the Mail app's rendering capabilities, and points to exploitable paths within the Mail app that probably need to be tightened up by Apple.

When \n the power is cycled in this state, a sort of self-destruct \n mechanism is triggered, rendering the drive unresponsive.\n\nSo you enter a read-only mode, and then on power cycle you self-destruct, making the intact data inaccessible?

Rendering definitions


a performance of a musical composition or a dramatic role etc.; "they heard a live rendition of three pieces by Schubert"

See also: rendition


an explanation of something that is not immediately obvious; "the edict was subject to many interpretations"; "he annoyed us with his interpreting of parables"; "often imitations are extended to provide a more accurate rendition of the child's intended meaning"

See also: interpretation interpreting rendition


the act of interpreting something as expressed in an artistic performance; "her rendition of Milton's verse was extraordinarily moving"

See also: rendition interpretation


a written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication in a first language

See also: translation version


a coat of stucco applied to a masonry wall


perspective drawing of an architect's design


giving in acknowledgment of obligation