Interpreting in a sentence as a noun

And even if they do, they are very lax at interpreting claims.

I think people are too quick when it comes to interpreting the intent of someone else's words.

I'm having a blast and interpreting all the flak as a sign I must be doing something right...

The data is not released to give the "winning" scientists first crack at interpreting the data.

You're interpreting the advice as a call for egoism [0]; selfishness to the point of being unwise.

I think interpreting these posts in the literal manner that you and the grandparent are doing is a bit misleading.

Those ideas about these laws are, in my view, quirky ones that take significant liberties in interpreting how laws work.

Check each news story you read for how many of the important issues in interpreting research are NOT discussed in the story.

Please use caution when interpreting preclinical drug results.

[1]It's worthwhile to recognize that interpreting the real world in terms of abstract symbols, and vice versa, is a terribly difficult skill that requires lots of practice.

To a mathematician "formally" means "in a purely symbolic manner without considering whether there's a sensible or consistent way of interpreting these symbols.

The reason why the FDA has a problem with them is not the fact that they are decoding DNA for people, it is the fact that they are interpreting the results to diagnose specific medical conditions direct to the public.

Many of the interesting issues brought up by comments on the article kindly submitted here become much more clear after reading Simonsohn's various articles[4] about p values and what they mean, and other aspects of interpreting published scientific research.

Interpreting definitions


an explanation of something that is not immediately obvious; "the edict was subject to many interpretations"; "he annoyed us with his interpreting of parables"; "often imitations are extended to provide a more accurate rendition of the child's intended meaning"

See also: interpretation rendition rendering