Relentlessly in a sentence as an adverb

The reason they can continue to relentlessly push for it is because the paid lobbyists who are pushing for it are just doing their day job. They can spend the rest of their lives at it.

The best programmers in the world worked at it relentlessly. Sure, there are variances in the amount that they all worked, and some did it with much less work than others.

But it has been an ongoing sore relentlessly sucking up multiple peoples' time, of the issues I outlined above.

* Hound them relentlessly on every promise and every lie. By the time you're done with them, they won't care about their performance bonus.

Guangcheng is simply telling the world about the dirty tactics China deploys relentlessly. It's not selfish on his part - he doesn't have a selfish bone in his body.

For this she was hounded relentlessly in the town and a defamation suit was brought against her. The players bragged that the coach knew about the accusations and would make them go away.

Employee X will not have any of that and will relentlessly lobby and defend the product, because the product is their baby. X is being too emotional.

Both found their life's work at a very young age and pursued it relentlessly. Because they found what they love so young and had such incredible work ethics, they achieved incredible things that put most mere mortals to shame.

That being said, it's still your responsibility to stay relentlessly focused in your core value proposition. You can't build every feature you're customers ask for, only the ones that make sense for your product.

The most striking thing, in retrospect, is the manipulative talent they have, and how relentlessly and patiently they are to go for the "long con". In my case, I happen to be very talented at programming and computer science.

PG says be relentlessly resourceful. That's useful. But even better is to be relentlessly cynical.

I think Facebook's mission, to get everyone to relentlessly share everything with everyone goes too far. Life is about curating, about choosing, about doing millions of opportunity-cost calculations and picking what you want and rejecting what you do not.

The story very clearly describes a dichotomy in Microsoft's culture between process/rules/superficial quality on the one hand and relentlessly shortening the ship/fix cycle on the other. This post is not just about shortened ship/fix cycles, it is itself an example of a shortened write/fix cycle.

Oracle remains viable, even as others continue to catch up, because Oracle builds on its solid foundation by adding additional capability and features relentlessly. I challenge you to read the new features guide for any new release of Oracle and to remember just the names of 20% of the new features.

Now there's a gaming culture wherein genres are solidly defined and there's excruciatingly little variation between game mechanics, visual style, or design mentality, at least in the AAAs. And it's because of how relentlessly Microsoft pushed to divide the market. The old designers either shifted their styles along with this, or they ran out of steam.

To reform education, it is important to be relentlessly empirical, and look again and again and again at the best practices of the highest-achieving countries. That's why I prefer several of the links I submitted to Lockhart's interesting essay as policy guidance for United States parents, taxpayers, and learners.

But this community is so relentlessly introspective, communicative, articulate, well-equipped, and outright successful. And we have so many blogs like this one: so many people actively, sincerely, unabashedly interested in the science of happiness and fulfillment.

But what I see here, in the bay area, is a small tribe, embedded in city of San Francisco, energetically, beneficently, earnestly, relentlessly working and helping each other out, putting their considerable time, capital, and intellect towards building the future and solving our biggest problems. Nowhere else in the world are people really trying to solve these problems.

It's a lot easier to say you will do anything to succeed and act the part and struggle and listen to your investors like they're bosses and let your startup die out while going through the motions than it is to be relentlessly resourceful. It also benefits to be self critical and unattached to an ideal of a product in a way to allow your product to be what your users respond to rather than some stubborn vision.

The big government/big corp/big law collusion makes this almost impossible in the USA. These classes are now unified into one upper class, and are working relentlessly to increase their power and reduce their responsibility. Interestingly, China is much worse than the USA in this regard, and is a good example of what happens when big government owns a nation completely: a tiny aristocracy ruling with impunity over the poor masses.

Relentlessly definitions


in a relentless manner; "he worked relentlessly"

See also: unrelentingly