Reiterate in a sentence as a verb

To reiterate that, I worked for two months at Google while Google had the results of the background check in hand.

To reiterate that, Linode was a casualty of someone going after SwiftIRC.

And to reiterate, that guidance continues to apply today.

For that reason I want to reiterate that this my criticism here isn't hostile, it's not meant as a takedown, but as someone with stakes in the material being presented I don't want to see it being presented inaccurately.

I just want to reiterate something that I say in a child comment in this thread: thanks to its thoughtful design, many of the advantages of purity are less appreciable in Rust than they would be in, say, C++.In Rust, everything is immutable unless you opt-in to mutability.

You can do a great guest blog article which adds tremendous value or you can do a spammy terrible articlegoogle is confessing that they are incapable of telling them apart so they want to destroy the whole thing just so they can go on saying that they still know what they are doingwell, let me reiterate what many already know: the emperor has no clothes!

Reiterate definitions


to say, state, or perform again; "She kept reiterating her request"

See also: repeat ingeminate iterate restate retell