Regulator in a sentence as a noun

What you want to know is that somewhere theres a regulator who might stop the bank.

But you dont want to hear that the regulator we really need to call upon is you, yourself.

Or they would have delegated the problem to a regulator whose job it was to keep on top of things.

If DeliveryCo's regulator said they had to deliver 1Gbps links I don't see why it would differ.

This takes away the upside from the regulator/industry revolving door.

We don't yet know the human analog of Fruitless, the master regulator of sex differences.

Make regulators focus on enforcing real transparency, since they don't know how to regulate behavior.

While this would work, 780x regulators essentially throw off the unwanted excess voltage as heat, and total heat output is going to be a factor of the voltage drop and current.

Modern testing and build systems might, but regulators aren't keen to change their testing systems, many of which were encoded by legislation decades ago.

The ICO is not seen as an overly strong regulator, but they might be convinced to investigate after the inevitable headlines in the papers.

Its hard to understand why this was allowed by the competition regulator, and it doesn't give me much confidence that the UK government has much interest in limiting their control of multiple markets.

And every politican and airline regulator gets automatically entered into this program, so that they never have to experience how the average person flies.

This kind of Monday morning quarterbacking is unfortunately usually done by people who've never shipped a drug or device in their lives, like most politicians, journalists, or federal regulators.

As a regulator, we only want to enforce things in a way where we can achieve the end results…We rather doubt whether the Government believe there are "ways to make this practical and workable".Nice to see some common sense.

The FDA also can and does write "guidances" outside of the legislative process which will make your business model illegal overnight or vastly more expensive due to unanticipated regulatory costs.

There is so much "discretion" [3,4] afforded to regulatory agencies that the threat of fines and seizures over bizarre interpretations of the law by a Carmen Ortiz-style ambitious regulator is never far from your mind.

Regrettably, we did little to address the problem.> ... However, should contingent capital bonds prove insufficient, we should allow large institutions to fail and, if assessed by regulators as too interconnected to liquidate quickly, be taken into a special bankruptcy facility, whereupon the regulator would be granted access to taxpayer funds for "debtor-in-possession financing" of the failed institution.

Some are sticking with it, on the grounds that there is safety in numbers: no government regulator really wants to damage global trade by making examples of businesses who are just trying to do their work and acting in good faith, and if you're dealing with a similarly honest business from the US then the odds of an actual customer complaint are probably low enough that it might be considered an acceptable business risk.

Regulator definitions


any of various controls or devices for regulating or controlling fluid flow, pressure, temperature, etc.


an official responsible for control and supervision of a particular activity or area of public interest


a control that maintains a steady speed in a machine (as by controlling the supply of fuel)

See also: governor